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Ližnjan - Guides

Ližnjan is a fishing village with a naturally protected harbor, located on a small peninsula at the southernmost tip of Istria. The village looks onto the clear blue sea and the Kvarner islands in their full glory. There are 28 km of beautiful and pristine mostly rocky beaches. The history of this small town is really fascinating as evidenced by the settlement sites of over 7000 years old, the... Read more

Gračani - Zagreb - Guides

Gračani, the Zagreb urban area in the northern part of the city. They are in the neighborhood Podsljeme. Traditionally, this space is part of a region Prigorje. The district situated on the southern slopes of Medvednica, just below the highest peak trekkers to which a road leading from Gracani and (former) lifts. The district in the "residential" part of the city, and more recently, there are... Read more

Boljun - Guides

Boljun is an ancient town in the northeast of Istria, in the Lupoglav Municipality. It was built around the well-preserved medieval castle. The town has a wide view of the Boljunčica Valley and the Učka mountain range. From the 15th to the end of the 17th century this not a town, not a village place reached the peak of its development. There was a judge and town mayors, numerous altars were... Read more

Zagorska Sela - Guides

Zagorska Sela is a village and seat of the eponymous municipality in Croatia, in Krapina-Zagorje. According to the 2001 census. The municipality has 1197 inhabitants lived. Area of ​​the municipality is 25 km ². Dan Hall is 25.11. Read more
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